Our cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons

Mood Arbeiten Im Claraspital
The Claraspital con­stant­ly puts its qua­li­ty to the test, both in­tern­al­ly and ex­tern­al­ly. We have our ser­vices re­view­ed by in­de­pen­dent ex­perts as part of na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons. The cer­ti­fi­ca­tes con­firm that clear­ly de­fi­ned re­qui­re­ments and stan­dards are met at the Claraspital.


Medical training centre

Zertifizierte Weiterbildungsstätte SWIF Claraspital Zertifikat
Trai­ning cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Swi­ss In­sti­tu­te for Con­ti­nuing Me­di­cal Edu­ca­ti­on and Trai­ning


Bariatric and metabolic surgery

Bariatriezentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Re­fe­rence cent­re for ba­ria­tric and me­ta­bo­lic sur­gery - vi­si­ted by the Swi­ss So­cie­ty for the Stu­dy of Mor­bid Obe­si­ty and Me­ta­bo­lic Dis­or­ders


Breast cancer centre

Brustkrebszentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Bre­ast can­cer cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty DKG
Brustkrebszentrum Claraspital Krebsliga Zertifikate
Bre­ast Cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Swi­ss Can­cer League


Incontinence and pelvic floor centre

Inkontinenz Und Beckenbodenzentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Pel­vic floor cent­re - cer­ti­fied ac­cor­ding to the Ger­man Con­ti­nence So­cie­ty


MDS Centre of Excellence

MDS Zentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
MDS (Mye­lo­dys­pla­stic Syn­drome) Cent­re - cer­ti­fied ac­cor­ding to the in­ter­na­tio­nal MDS Foun­da­ti­on


Uro-oncology centre

Uroonkologisches Zentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Uro-on­co­lo­gy cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty
Uroonkologisches Zentrum Nierenkrebszentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Kid­ney can­cer cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty
Uroonkologisches Zentrum Prostatakrebszentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Pro­sta­te can­cer cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty


Visceral Oncology Centre

Viszeralonkologisches Zentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Vis­ceral on­co­lo­gy cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty
Viszeralonkologisches Zentrum Analkrebszentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Anal can­cer cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty
Viszeralonkologisches Zentrum Darmkrebszentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Co­lo­rec­tal can­cer cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty
Viszeralonkologisches Zentrum Pankreaskarzinomzentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Pan­crea­tic can­cer cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty
Viszeralonkologisches Zentrum Speiseröhrenkrebszentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Oe­so­pha­ge­al can­cer cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty


Specialised palliative care

Qualité Palliative Claraspital Zertifikate
Pal­lia­ti­ve ward - cer­ti­fied ac­cor­ding to qua­lité pal­lia­ti­ve


PET/CT Centre of Excellence

NUK PET CT Center Of Excellence Claraspital Zertifikate
PET/CT Cent­re - ac­credi­ted ac­cor­ding to the Eu­ropean As­so­cia­ti­on of Nu­clear Me­di­ci­ne (EANM)