Medical training centre

Training centre - certified by the Swiss Institute for Continuing Medical Education and Training
Bariatric and metabolic surgery

Reference centre for bariatric and metabolic surgery - visited by the Swiss Society for the Study of Morbid Obesity and Metabolic Disorders
Breast cancer centre

Breast cancer centre - certified by the German Cancer Society DKG

Breast Centre - certified by the Swiss Cancer League
Incontinence and pelvic floor centre

Pelvic floor centre - certified according to the German Continence Society
MDS Centre of Excellence

MDS (Myelodysplastic Syndrome) Centre - certified according to the international MDS Foundation
Uro-oncology centre

Uro-oncology centre - certified by the German Cancer Society

Kidney cancer centre - certified by the German Cancer Society

Prostate cancer centre - certified by the German Cancer Society
Visceral Oncology Centre

Visceral oncology centre - certified by the German Cancer Society

Anal cancer centre - certified by the German Cancer Society

Colorectal cancer centre - certified by the German Cancer Society

Pancreatic cancer centre - certified by the German Cancer Society

Oesophageal cancer centre - certified by the German Cancer Society
Specialised palliative care

Palliative ward - certified according to qualité palliative
PET/CT Centre of Excellence

PET/CT Centre - accredited according to the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)